When it comes to applying and choosing a college, many may think that it is a quick and easy process but there is so much to it.
It all begins with knowing where you want to apply. The earlier you know what colleges you want to apply to the better and quicker your application process will be. Knowing college requirements, such as GPA, before you apply will also be helpful to the application process so that you know where you fit in beforehand. The next most important steps are being able to understand the financial aspects of college such as tuition, room and board, textbooks, food, transportation, personal expenses, and then making sure to get letters of recommendations from teachers and counselors.
Two East Islip High School Seniors – Lisfranny Garcia and Nicolette Diemer – have been living this college application process for the last few months.
One of the first things to two needed to do was ask for letters of recommendation. “I decided to ask for recommendation letters from teachers that got to know me well last year,” Lisfranny said.
Nicolette had a similar response. “Since I have only been in this school for a year and didn’t have many teachers to choose from to ask, I ended up picking the teachers I had the closest bond with and who got to know me personally outside of academics.”
Both girls agree that academics is the biggest thing to consider when choosing a college. Since Lisfranny wants to go into the medical field, she made sure that each college specifically had what is needed for a Pre-Med track. Nicolette applied to schools with a wide range of academics. A lot of them, she said, were reach schools – schools that typically have a lower acceptance rate – and once she gets all her decisions back she will compare them, see where they all stand against each other and what the final costs will be.

Location was another big factor for both girls. Lisfranny mentioned that she was primarily looking at the East Coast. Nikki made an understandable point when she said “Since I’ll be at college for most of the year, I want to be comfortable in my environment.” Making sure you like where your college is located and knowing what the weather is like beforehand is important so that you know what types of clothes to pack and if you will be able to handle the heat or the cold. Going away to school also comes with dorming. When it comes to dorming both Lisfranny and Nicolette knew that they wanted to dorm. Nicolette feels like dorming is a quintessential part of the college experience. When she thinks of a college she always thinks of having a roommate and hanging out with them.
Now that it is the end of January, both girls are currently in the process of making their college commitment. Lisfranny always wanted to go to Boston University from the beginning, but is now considering Suffolk University, which is also in Boston. Lisfranny feels like college will be a better opportunity to get to learn herself better.
Nicolette’s top school is Penn State. Since she is a cheerleader, she mentioned, “I’ve always loved the big school spirit and football game atmosphere.” Nicolette has been in a small town atmosphere all her life and wants to go to a college with a lot more students.
Making their final decision will be stressful, and going away for college is definitely a scary and new process, but both girls have put so much time and effort into the process and are set up for so much success!