Thank you, Mr. Dolan!
After serving as Superintendent of Schools for eight years, John Dolan has retired.

When one thinks of “EI Pride,” one man comes to mind for many: John V. Dolan, East Islip’s Superintendent of Schools for the last eight years.
One senior, Alyssa Benvengo, put it best. “Mr. Dolan is by far one of the sweetest and most caring person I have ever met. He would stop by almost all of my softball games and practices here at East Islip whenever he could. Even if that meant he would be getting home 40 minutes later than normal, he didn’t care. As long as he got to see us he would say made his day… Everyone loved him here at East Islip, it was impossible to not like him.”
A never-ending well of support and love for the school and town, Mr. Dolan has left his mark: an avid sports fan, champion of the arts, and a unifier for the community. So, in honor of his recent retirement in January of 2023, The Broadcaster took some time to interview the man himself, and get a feel for what his career looked like, and his thoughts on his experience here at EI.
Dolan’s career began 39 years ago, but the last eight of those (his time at EI) were the greatest of all. In his own words, he was “In the right place at the right time.”
When Dolan arrived in the district, he was faced with a sleeping giant. East Islip was in the low point of a legacy of success. “The place – internally and externally – needed a makeover,” but Dolan saw what was underneath. EI is a place of hard workers, he believes. In competition, our people “Never stop comin’ at you” – a united force, a tight-knit community.” As a matter of fact, it was that spirit that attracted him to the district in the beginning. “There really are a lot of good people in this place.”
A hard-worker of EI caliber himself, Dolan rolled up his sleeves. “It doesn’t get any easier,” he said, “you gotta get up and go to work every day,” but even more than persistence, Dolan has passion. “I’ve been really lucky… you have to have a hobby. I’m so lucky, that if I walk into a school – elementary, middle school, high, whatever – I love to seee kids learning, excited, working together. That’s my hobby.”

It was with this unique set of strengths that so many improvements were made under his leadership. Smartboards, new roofs, a brand new sports complex, a complete renewal of the music wing practice spaces, and so much more.
Yet, Dolan learned in his time that he couldn’t have done it alone. “Plans are good, but dreams are better,” he said. Plans, he believes, are sometimes empty – a simple demand of the people you work with – but dreams are shared by all. Dolan led a district full of hope that EI could become an even greater place. “When you surround yourself with great people,” he added, “Great things are gonna happen.”
It’s easy to wonder… with so much love, dedication, and lessons learned, how could such a legend ever retire? The truth is that his leaving is a matter of continued care for the district. “I don’t wanna say the world has passed me by, but I realized at some point, the world is changing, and what could I really contribute? And I think, being an advocate, a supporter, the biggest fan of the students [is the best way to do it.]” More than anything, Dolan is passing off the torch to the next generation – to people who can truly carry on his vision as he cheers them on from outside. When asked what relationship he’d keep with East Islip, his answer was simple and immediate: “Any they’ll let me have.”
It’s the reflection of his many messages during the COVID-19 lockdown that were sent to the voicemail boxes of all in the district. Somedays, he was disheartened, but the simple truth was spoken by Joanne Mann, his coworker. “They could turn the machine off.. somebody wants to hear these.” Even in the darkest times, Dolan was still helping raise spirits.
Dolan’s stories and ideas are an inspiration of their own, and everyone could learn something from what he accomplished. He was a loyal coworker, an avid supporter of the students, and more than anything, he loved what he did. Dolan truly loved working for the students, and still loves the district now. With all that affection, what would he want to say to the district now that he’s stepping down as a faculty member?
Mr. Dolan’s answer was instantaneous: “Just thank you.” Even with all he’s given, he’s grateful to East Islip – a kind of connection he found nowhere else, and a place that reflected his care. To see this sentiment expanded, look to his Letter to Community 2-2023.
… but for now, to say farewell in Dolan’s own words…
“Thank you doesn’t seem enough, but… I love this town. I’m rubber, you’re glue. I feel like I couldn’t be any closer to this town.”
“I honestly feel like it couldn’t get any better than East Islip.”
From The Broadcaster, one of many student groups Dolan supported, we say thank you right back.
It couldn’t get any better than Dolan.

Tristan Hearth is a rising senior and Editor-In-Chief of The Broadcaster, who was the first to push for the newspaper's return.
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