Another “Movember” Brings Mustaches and Men’s Health Awareness at EIHS


This year’s Movember team!

“Movember” is an international event wherein men grow out their facial hair throughout the month of November to raise awareness and money for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s mental health.

The term “Movember” was coined in 1999 in Adelaide, South Australia by a small group of men in a pub who decided that growing out beards and mustaches would bring attention. At the time, their group grew to 80, and stopped, but the event inspired a different group in Melbourne, who began Movember as we know it today in 2004. In that event 30 people grew to 500, and 500 grew to thousands, and in just the first year, $40,000 was raised for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia… and so, the Movember Foundation was born.

In the present, Movember is a global event, and has raised 171 million dollars since it began to grow.

In our corner of the world, this movement is driven handily by Daniel Falkman (Mr. Falkman to students, that is).

As advisor to the Key Club (a community service and leadership club here at EI), Falkman sees Movember as an opportunity to lead by example by bringing positive change through the simple act of growing his truly extraordinary mustache. This year, he he is joined by his “Mo Bros” – Mr. O’Neil, Mr. Lackner, and Mr. Augello.

For over a decade, he has led the charge in the Movember Foundation in EI, making a show of his cut, and making various moves to encourage students to donate including a Key Club hosted bake sale. In doing so, he has made EI a great supporter of the movement, with thousands of dollars raised directly from our town alone.

“We encourage young men to understand that one half of all men will get cancer in their lifetimes,” Falkman says, “and by growing a mustache we will not only raise awareness but also hopefully money to donate to the cause.”

What can you do right now?

  • To get more information about local Movember activities (or to get a glimpse at the progress on the ‘stache), stop by and speak to Mr. Falkman anytime.
  • Join the team! Grow a ‘stache! Rock some side burns! Get that Santa Beard ready for Christmas!
  • And if none of that tickles your whiskers, donate to the cause! EIHS Movember Team – DONATE HERE

So, on behalf of Mr. Falkman and the others participating in Movember throughout the country and around the world, we hope to see some incredible ‘staches, increased awareness, and funds raised.