Gym class has always been mandatory for all kids in every grade, but does it have to be?
Many people dislike gym class or find that it is at an inconvenient time during the day. No one wants to get sweaty or hot during school. Especially someone who has gym first period. To make it worse most classrooms don’t have air conditioning so it is also hot in classrooms after. And even worse is that some students don’t even participate at all. Despite what people say, Phys. Ed. and physical fitness are very important.
Athletes that play sports during multiple seasons care a ton about their physical fitness and exercise a lot every day, which is why students who play sports should not have to take or participate in gym when they are in season. Instead, athletes should be able to take an alternative class that doesn’t require physical activity.
“I feel like it would make sense for athletes not to take gym because athletes spend hours exercising after school so forty minutes of gym is unnecessary,” Katelyn Trifaro, a student athlete on East Islip’s track team said.
Another track athlete, Caylee Smith, agrees that athletes should not have to take gym class. “I would be happy because then I could save my energy for track because running the mile in gym before racing sounds exhausting.”
The main reason why gym is forced upon students is because administrators want students to get exercise and move around. According to Dr. Tamara Clifton from Healthline the “minimum recommendation is 30 minutes of exercise, three times per week.” Students who are athletes already get more than triple the amount of exercise you would get in gym.
By participating in gym athletes also have a higher risk of injuring themselves which could lead to them missing their sport for weeks or months.
For those who feel that a class like this is necessary, there should be more options for students to choose from such as a Nutrition or Meditation/Yoga class which some schools already offer. Some similar classes are offered at EI, but they’re not offered as an alternative for gym – rather as an elective.
East Islip should look out for their students athletes and consider making a change.