Sam McAllister seems undoubtedly perfect. She is part of the most popular friend group in school and is on the road to getting a swim scholarship. However, Sam has a major secret that she keeps hidden from everyone but her family. She struggles with severe OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She has impulsive thoughts that she cannot control, visits a therapist weekly, and has to take sleeping pills in order to have a fulfilling slumber. On her first day of her junior year, Sam met Caroline Madsen. Caroline introduced Sam to a secret poetry club that met in the janitors basement— from there, Sam’s life changed forever. One of the most talented members of the club was AJ, whom Sam and her friends had bullied so much in the past that he eventually attended middle school elsewhere. Even worse, when Sam met him, she had no idea who he was! He was outraged when she showed up and when Sam figured out why this was, she felt extremely guilty and strived to show that she was a good person.
If you enjoy a story that takes place in a typical high school environment, Every Last Word is for you! It is filled with plot twists and teen drama, but it also deeply embodies mental health and how people are constantly affected by it in every day life.
The writing club in Every Last Word reminded me of the creative writing club I am in that is run by Mrs. Lopez. We all write and share pieces whenever we want, and the talent in this particular group is truly phenomenal. From short poems, to the beginnings of entire novels, I love to see the works of people who are my age. We give constructive criticism and strive to help improve one another’s writing skills.
According to Mrs. Lopez, “Lit is a place for people to be able to express things about themselves that then can be appreciated and understood by the larger group of people.” Mrs. Lopez continues with saying that she’s constantly impressed with “the way that people can take things that are so sad and make them beautiful.” This is undoubtedly true, and shows how significant and meaningful writing really is. An inspiring piece can improve the lives of countless individuals, regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity.
When I read Every Last Word, I saw this.
Writing alone and with peers changed Sam’s life for the better—as it did for everyone in the secret writing club. Writing not only helped Sam with her OCD, but also gave her lifelong friends.