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Staff at East Islip High School Support a Good Cause: MOVEMBER

Mr. Falkman, Mr. Stanton, Mr. Lackner, Mr. Augello, and Mr. O'Neill (left to right) showing off their 'staches.
Mr. Falkman, Mr. Stanton, Mr. Lackner, Mr. Augello, and Mr. O’Neill (left to right) showing off their ‘staches.

Throughout the month of November, Teachers at East Islip took part in “Movember” by spreading awareness, collecting donations, and having the male teachers grow out their mustaches.

This year, Mr. Falkman, Mr. Lackner, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. O’Neill, Mr. Stanton, and Mr. Augello were part of the team. At the end of the fundraiser, they raised more than $1400 dollars.

Mr. Falkman himself said that doing this is important, and should be supported because “½ of men will get cancer in their lifetime and having a conversation about men’s health is vital.”

Over the years East Islip has helped support the charity. Last year, some of the faculty was even invited to News12 and got to do a live Movember event with news anchor Erin Colton shaving their mustaches. 

Movember is a charity created in 2003 focusing on men’s health by funding “more than 1,250 men’s health projects.” Anyone can support the cause by donating or spreading the word about men’s health.

It all started in 2003 with two friends meeting up for a beer in Melbourne, Australia. When their conversation started to talk about fashion trends bringing up the mustache they jokingly said they’d bring it back. They talked others into growing a mustache and they made a campaign about men’s health and prostate cancer when they were “inspired by a friend’s mom who was fundraising for breast cancer.”

If you are still interested in donating, donations can be made to the East Islip Team HERE.

Mr. Falkman, Mr. Stanton, Mr. Lackner, Mr. Augello, and Mr. O’Neill (left to right) showing off their ‘staches.
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